Welcome to the

City of Cheney Plan 2026


Boards and Maps from December 9th are available from the links below. Click them to open the PDF of each board or map!

Accompanying video that discusses the purpose of the Open House.

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

Per GMA requirements for mandatory elements found in RCW 36.70A.070, the Comprehensive Plan establishes Cheney's 20-year vision and goals for the future. It is a community vision of goals, objectives, policies, and actions that guide the day-to-day decisions of elected officials and local government staff. Cheney’s previous 2017 update consists of 11 elements:

- Land Use

- Housing

- Capital Facilities

- Utilities

- Transportation

- Natural Assets & Sustainability

- Technology

- Culture & the Arts

- Parks, Open Space & Recreation

- Economic Development

What is a Periodic Update and how is the Periodic Update developed?

A Comprehensive Plan is a 20-year plan for the city's future. It ensures that the plan still matches the community's vision and meets all new legislation.

The public engagement process is critical to every update component, indicating a level of nuance and detail that the revised vision and policy framework convey. The planning process is a bottom-up process.

Numerous community events will occur, including stakeholder engagements, a community survey, Community town halls, Outreach/tabling events, and public meetings with elected officials. See the timeline on the sidebar to track the process of the periodic update.

Periodic Update Timeline


Open House

December 09, 2024 @ Utility Bldg

To participate in the Community Survey, click the button below.

Get Involved!

If you want to be updated on the 2026 Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update, click the button below to sign up.